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Minas Gerais and Pão de Queijo

Pão de queijo (Pronounced pow-ge-KAY-ju; plural pães de queijo) is a traditional Brazilian delicacy with its origin in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais in the 18th century during the Brazilian Gold Rush. Despite being called “cheese bread”, pão de queijo is in fact a golden cheese ball with a crunchy crust and a fluffy center[2]. It can be served for breakfast, as a side dish and even as a dessert, with jams, slices of ham, brigadeiro, goiabada, traditional Minas cheese, and many other options.

Minas Gerais is a large, idyllic, southeastern Brazilian state. Being one of the oldest locations in the country due to its mineral riches, it has amalgamated an intensely diverse and unique history within the country. Minas Gerais is known for its natural beauty, historical architecture, the hospitality of its people, and especially the cuisine and the coffee culture, which is highly appreciated all over the country.

Tiradentes, MG, Brazil. Photograph by Loris Lambert on

O pão de queijo é uma iguaria tradicional brasileira com origem em Minas Gerais no século 18 durante a Ciclo do Ouro. Apesar do nome, o pão de queijo é na verdade uma bola de queijo dourada com uma crosta crocante e um recheio fofo. Pode ser servido no café da manhã, como acompanhamento e até como sobremesa, com geleias, fatias de presunto, brigadeiro, goiabada, queijo minas tradicional e muitas outras opções.

Minas Gerais é um grande e idílico estado do sudeste brasileiro. Sendo uma das localidades mais antigas do país devido às suas riquezas minerais, amalgamou uma história intensamente diversificada e única no país. Minas Gerais é conhecido por suas belezas naturais, arquitetura histórica, a hospitalidade de seu povo e, principalmente, pela culinária e cultura cafeeira, muito apreciadas em todo o país.


Pão de queijo (Pronounced pow-ge-KAY-ju; plural pães de queijo) is a traditional Brazilian delicacy with its origin in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais in the 18th century during the Brazilian Gold Rush. Despite being called “cheese bread”, pão de queijo is in fact a golden cheese ball with a crunchy crust and a fluffy center[2]. It can be served for breakfast, as a side dish and even as a dessert, with jams, slices of ham, brigadeiro, goiabada, traditional Minas cheese, and many other options.

Minas Gerais is a large, idyllic, southeastern Brazilian state. Being one of the oldest locations in the country due to its mineral riches, it has amalgamated an intensely diverse and unique history within the country. Minas Gerais is known for its natural beauty, historical architecture, the hospitality of its people, and especially the cuisine and the coffee culture, which is highly appreciated all over the country


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